Wendy Rule Blog

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Welcome to my first ever blog! I'm glad that you found me. I plan to write  once a week or so. Who knows what it will be about, but my posts will certainly include my impressions of all the amazing places and people that I get to interact with on my travels. Right now I'm in Melbourne, with only a few days to go before I leave for another USA tour. Rain has been falling all night, and the garden is heavy and shimmering in its wake. Honeysuckle is twining with the tomatoes and pumpkin in my front garden, and somehow the world feels sleepy. 

I'll be a little sad to leave before I can harvest all the amazing things that have sprung up. Not only my vegies, but also the many ideas and sketches that I have for new songs. Traveling is wonderful, but being on the road can take it's toll. I yearn for long stretches of time in the one place, so that I can deepen and grow further. Sometimes, when I'm doing my yoga of a morning, I like to imagine that my feet are growing roots deep into Mother Earth. She gives me so much strength, and encourages me again and again to keep creating. 

Part of my intention in keeping this blog is simply to remind myself to be still, and to write. I love sending my mailing list messages, but often feel that there's not really enough space in amongst my concert info to share my deep thoughts. 

So yes, I look forward to weaving my way with words through this next tour adventure of the American West Coast and Florida. 

Until then

 Love and Magic




  1. Congratulations on starting your blog - the start is the easy part; it's the updating that's the problem!

    Look forward to reading about your travels, as I really enjoyed meeting you in Forest Lake. BB

  2. Hey Wendy,

    Sue Kemp here and love that you are keeping a blog...:) I hope I get to see you and Tim this year during one of your US tours...:) Love your garden too. I start off the same way and see what happens and find amazing things growing with each other in it's tangles of plants. I always have tried the neat little rows but it never works out that way...so I let the Mother decide more of what to do...and it turns out better.

    Sending love and blessings your way!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for the Blog alert Wendy, I am looking forward to your posts. I enjoy reading about your travels, your insights, and whats going on in your country. Blessings.

  5. Dearest friend,
    I love your writing and am looking forward to reading about your adventures....I get to travel along with you!! :) Brightest blessings for safe travel and good luck with all your fun!! See you soon! Hugs to Tim!! XOXO

  6. From your heart to my heart that's how I hear your words, they are rich, inspiring and nourishing.Believe it or not I'm tempted to join the gardening wonderland...but only tempted to keep my herbs alive in pots is a big challenge for me. One day my organic garden will appear just like magic. May your wings soar like your voice and vibrate a blessing across the world, thank you for sharing. Blessings and laughter Elaine

  7. Hi Wendy,
    Just subscribed so I can keep up to date. Can't wait to see you and Tim!

  8. Fantastic Wendy! I'm really looking forward to reading about all your adventures.

    WIshing you much love and joy,

  9. Hello Wendy, if you like snow, you'd be happy to be in or around Montreal (Quebec, Canada) these days. I'm at the point where I don't enjoy it anymore, I want the sun and its warmth on my skin.
    It's nice that you have a blog now so I can follow up with you and your tours. Hopefully you'll be coming back to Canada soon?
    Take care and warm blessings
    - Annie
